Thank you for being part of the Huntsville Music Cities Convention!
Huntsville, AL, USA
18 - 20 October 2023
On 18 - 20 October, 2023 Music Cities Convention travelled to Huntsville, Alabama, USA for its 12th global edition.
The event took plake place in the prestigious Von Braun Center and featured presentations, panels and roundtables to showcase the latest best practices exploring the use and importance of music in the development of cities all around the world. All of the above will be combined with several live music events and exciting networking opportunities.
The three-day event followed the publication of the Huntsville Music Audit and Strategy that aimed at creating a more dynamic music environment, from education to creation, production and performance, in a way that strengthened Huntsville’s growing economy.
During the two convention days, we discussed topics such as global music city policies, music & economic development, music and technology, music and education, the role of music in future cities, the night time economy, supporting musicians, city & place branding, music tourism, music & real estate, music for community building and more.
The Saturn V Hall of the U.S. & Rocket Space Center where the Closing Ceremony of the Convention will take place
Music Cities Convention 2023 Aftermovie

Conference days
20+ Presentations & Panel Discussions
20+ countries represented
Official online event hub
Live music
Organisations that Attended
24HourDallas (USA), Alabama Music Hall of Fame (USA), Auckland City of Music (NZL), Berklee College of Music (USA), City of Austin Economic Development Department, Music & Entertainment Division (USA), City of Nashville (USA), Diversify The Stage Programs (USA), Fundación Plades- Frutillar Ciudad Creativa (CHI), Heva Fund LLP (KEN), Hoodo Mural Festival (USA), Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission(USA), Live Nation Spain (ESP), Macon Arts Alliance (USA), Mercer University (USA), Music Business Association (USA), Music Export Memphis (USA), New New Festival (USA), Nighttime Economy Solutions (CAN/GBR) Southbank Centre (GBR), The Pop District/The Warhol Museum (USA), Visit Fort Wayne (USA), Virgin Islands Festivals & Fairs Committee/BVI Tourist Board (GBR).