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We are a community of people in every profession and sector using music to create more value in towns and cities all over the world. We're committed to learning, sharing and networking to ensure that every town and city is advocating for music.
Attend live events & watch past in-person and online events videos
Join groups of interest, including the Global Job Board.
Connect & network with our other global members
Learn from & keep up with the latest global music cities news, reports & data
Access to free tickets or discounts for our global events

Where our members are based?
We currently have 2,100+ members from 80+ countries and 600+ cities.
Our members are made up of:
18% Music Industry
10% Tourism
10% Government
8% Events & Festivals
8% Venues & Night Time Economy
7% Sustainability
7% Real Estate
7% Education
6% Music Office
6% Non-Profit
5% Consultancy
5% Brands
3% Health & Wellbeing

If you have any questions that aren’t answered in our FAQs or would like more information on the plans, please get in touch with Pablo at
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